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A community-driven aspiring sustainable phygital fashion brand with 5555 unique 3D art NFTs, that's celebrating women & expression of freedom via fashion.

Imagine a place...where fashion lets you be yourself and sets you FREE!

Being a Women-Led initiative, we understand you have stories to tell, thoughts to share, and colours to show. With fashion, go from messy ideas to beautiful you and get noticed for who you are, and not what you're supposed to be.

“Freedom lies in being bold. Not by wearing what you're forcefully told.”- bae.

Essence of bae.

Fashion Your own fashion label disguised as an NFT. Our unisex sustainable fashion clothing line will be available in Metaverse and IRL.

Women More Opportunities for Women, Before Anyone Else in this new space of financial economy. bae. Intents to create an all-inclusive, harmonious, and integrated community.

Onboarding Artist A bae. initiative, bae. Collective. is achieving the milestones of helping artists go from Web2 to Web3

Jul 2022
  • Cloth: Satin top 1