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Artist Bingo

Artist Bingo turns my life and career as an artist into a dynamic, on-chain game of bingo. On each bingo card, the usual numbers are replaced by various tropes, myths, and milestones that constitute an artist's life, or our collective imagination thereof. The tropes are then stamped off over time as I, unintentionally, complete them in the course of my life—five in a row for bingo! Each winner will receive a handmade physical copy of their artwork.

The project is a living examination of our stereotypes of artists (tortured/starving artist, eccentric/creative genius, etc.) and the way this mythos is packaged into a speculative financial container through art. It's life as performance as art as NFT as speculative financial instrument. As my career progresses, the speculative value of each bingo card will fluctuate in proportion to how close it's getting to bingo, and, in parallel, its representation of my life as archetypal artist's narrative.

May 2023
  • Trope: Start a collective