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Zeno's Republic

There have been eight persons of the name of Zeno.

  • first the Eleatic;
  • the second our present subject;
  • the third a Rhodian who wrote a local history in one volume;
  • the fourth a historian who wrote an epitome of the political history of Rome and Carthage;
  • the fifth a pupil of Chrysippus, who left few writings but many disciples;
  • the sixth a physician of the school of Herophilus, a competent practitioner, though a poor writer;
  • the seventh a grammarian, who besides other writings has left behind him epigrams;
  • the eighth a Sidonian by birth and an Epicurean philosopher, lucid both in thinking and in style;

The quantum Zeno effect (also known as the Turing paradox) is a feature of quantum-mechanical systems allowing a particle's time evolution to be slowed down by measuring it frequently enough with respect to some chosen measurement setting.

Sometimes this effect is interpreted as "a system cannot change while you are watching it"

Dec 2022
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  • Edition: Holiday