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Whatevers 2021 by Karrie Ross

The Whatevers: a variety of artwork, derivatives of Bored Ape Yacht Club, 0n1 Force, Sewer Rat Social Club,, and other things of interest.

Karrie Ross is a visual artist based in Los Angeles, CA USA and creates and exhibits globally since the 1970s. Her distinct whimsical narrative art has a central theme of energy and being human. Ross believes creating one's own energy has the power to alter a person's life circumstances. She is a concussion/2x tbi survivor.

Art is a powerful influencer—it creates a kinetic pull in such a way that an action of ‘walking away’ from it realizes something has changed and a safe place using space/time experiences now exists.

What is your energy telling the world? Karrie is both an award-winning artist, & author, guest curates and organizes collaborations for the art community. Please let me know if you have any questions contact me at

@1978-2021-beyond karrieross all rights reserved.

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
May 2021
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일시 중지됨
  • Date minted: May 9, 2021