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The WEARTH Collection

Each WEARTH bar is truly unique and owned by you.

Your ownership co-creates the first global sculpture and the first anthology of human values with the people of this planet by interrelating art, its placement, and attributed values.

We build a 3D-2D bridge to document real artistic wax bars manufactured all around the world providing digital representations of physically unclonable functions.

The landart placement connects with the base we all share - the Earth. Each place on the Earth is unique, as is our co-creation on each location.

Each buyer of a unique WEARTH NFT is entitled to:

  1. a set of 7 photographs: the six sides of the bar and land art placement;
  2. a sound file of the land art placement;
  3. a data-card with specifics to the individually placed encaustic wax bar.

“THE GLOBAL SCULPTURE – WEARTH e.V.” as a registered charitable organisation furthers the project WEARTH.

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Sep 2021
에 생성됨
제작자 수익
일시 중지됨
  • Territory: 1