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Entirely shot on the Leica Q2 with fixed 28mm lens over a period of 28 days this collection of 28 images of Cuba, split in 14 portraits of people encountered and 14 street scenes, is an exploration of what photography has meant for me in my 35 years of shooting documentary.

It has always been about telling stories. But not my stories. Photography for me is the conduit through which my subjects’ stories can find an audience. The story of humanity is so much larger than me, and waiting to be told.

After the bygone years I worried my passion for documentary had become atrophied. With the world hiding behind pieces of cloth I simply could not engage, for human expression and interaction, the pillars of my photography work, could not thrive in faceless anonymity.

Documentary Photography is here to stay as long as we continue to appreciate the magnificence of our unique existence on this planet, as creators, as collectors but above all as human beings.

Live a Life of Wonder!

Hans Kemp

May 2023
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  • Camera: Leica camera ag leica q2