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Ultraviolet Exoplan - UVE

Espaces superposés - A photographic collection

EN: 'UVE' is a challenge to overpass the pure photography and to break free from historic codes. It' is a research about superposition, a collage between darkness and light, a try to make it shine. Because it is in darkness that imagination taks shape, where from poetry can emerge. Light dilues everything to vanishing, and darkness allows the non finished to define itself ; star in the deep night.

FR: Issu d'un challenge pour tenter de dépasser la pure photographie et se libérer de ses codes historiques, 'UVE' est une recherche sur la superposition, le collage des ombres, une tentative de les faire briller. Car c’est dans l’ombre que l’imaginaire prend forme, et de là que la poésie des dimensions peut émerger.

This NFT is:

  • The only version of this art piece of Arthur Jambon that will ever be tokenised as a NFT.
  • The certificat to acces the IPFS stocked file, proof of authenticity.
고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Apr 2021
에 생성됨
제작자 수익
일시 중지됨