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Toonymania Marine Life

🐣 HOW TO USE THE TOONY PIECES : When you own 7 toony pieces you will have the option to exchange those pieces for an exclusive Toony Character that will be created with those 7 pieces! Making it an ultra rare and unique Toony Character. You can swap pieces with your friends and other collectors to create your costume made Toony Character.

We want to keep it simple and fun for everyone. That’s why we have taken the main characteristic of Toonymania and made it a focal point of the collection: “The Puzzle”. Each Creature is formed by several pieces, like a puzzle, with the difference that each piece has a unique meaning of its own, it's alive!. That's why each piece will also be minted as a separate NFT… But it gets better! If a collector owns 7 pieces, a new Creature will be born and dropped into the collector’s wallet!

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Jun 2022
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  • Main color: Orange