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TOGETHER by Artists United curated by AlphaTrilogy

More than two dozen photographers, a dozen countries, an age range of nearly 40 years (possibly more, but some won’t tell), multiple languages, and varied styles. Our team consists of members from around the world. We include photographers from Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, India, Italy, Northern Ireland, Russia, Spain, Turkey, and the United States.

What could possibly bring this diverse group together? There’s only one thing in the world strong enough to do that: a deep love for photography.

Our collective was formed on the intentional basis of being DIFFERENT - different artists with different backgrounds, different races, languages, ability/disability, ages, and genres.

When the theme was announced there was a collective sigh, literally heard round the world. In all honesty, the theme of TOGETHER presented a challenge to nearly every single person on the team. From landscape, travel, nature, astro, portrait, fine art, urbanscape, and conceptual photographers, we’ve all literally spent the past two years ALONE.

World conditions have left everyone in isolation. The thought of “TOGETHER” was at the same time refreshing and terrifying. A few members panicked, some laughed, some left, most cringed at the thought. But in the end, the theme of TOGETHER has brought us TOGETHER.

We’ve dug through our archives, shot new images, edited like crazy, and shared critiques. Then we went back and started all over again!

This collective is the labor of our love, created with laughter, fun, and friendship. With our members spread over at least a dozen time zones, meetings were sometimes varied, crazy, and broken into smaller parts depending on the parts of the world. When you think about that accomplishment alone, accomplished with a bunch of creatives no less, you realize the depth of the loyalty to the project, to the team, and to each other.

Long late nights filled with love, laughter, jokes, craziness, and support have been the backbone of this project since the beginning.

For members of the team who are just beginning their NFT journey, it is an honor to be included with seriously talented photographers, who have been secretly discovered to be just normal people. We are all photographers but we don’t act like competitors. The community and support have been the stuff of legends. We want everyone to make it. Together as a team, we have been able to celebrate victories, face challenges, share as we have won awards, been represented by galleries, sold limited edition fine art prints, and are helping ensure everyone on our team is kicking it in the NFT world.

Through it all there is one common theme: every single member shares the same passion for photography. When asked what the best part of our team is, one member replied, “Love, kindness, love, happiness, love!”

Or, as they say in Ireland, the craic!

CURATOR: AlphaTrilogy


  • Armand Sarlangue
  • Daniel Viñé
  • Dima Chatrov
  • Donna Martinez
  • Ekrem Şahin
  • Elena Liseykina
  • Emre Bostanoglu
  • Enrico Fossati
  • Eric Boniakos
  • Gianluca Podestà
  • Hendro Soetrisno
  • Houston Vandergriff
  • Jidhun M.G.
  • Joffrey Briaud
  • Kat Livengood
  • Kristen Valent
  • Kristin Piljay
  • Leslie Spurlock
  • Mustafa Aydın
  • Pam Voth
  • Paul Killeen
  • Paul Moon
  • Sabine Weise
  • Sara Zanini
  • Xose Casal
  • Yuri Santin
May 2022
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  • Location: United states