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Sunrise & Sunset lights

The collection consisted of 30 photographs in total. Each photo is 0.10 ETH.

''Sunrise and sunset are the times we can find the most beautiful light. Love songs are composed and sung by looking at these lights. Lovers declare their love in front of this light. Joys and sorrows are always shared with these lights. These lights are our source of life. Trees live thanks to these lights and grow and become forests thanks to these lights. The formation of the world is due to these lights.Farmers need that light to grow their crops.Thanks to these lights, bees pollinate plants and life continues.

The source of photography is light. The first photos taken by every photographer are either sunrise or sunset. At sunrise we seek light, we seek love, photography is our love. This love will continue as long as the sun continues to rise and set with us.

My love that started with this light will continue with this light and will guide me. Share this love with me. Live the love. Forever''

Aug 2021
에 생성됨
제작자 수익
일시 중지됨
  • Artist: Mustafa gezer