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Squigglements is a collection of 199 pieces of generative art. Pronunciation is squig-le-mont. Each piece was created by applying two principal forms to a digital canvas -- spirals with depth-of-field effects and color splotches simulating spilled paint. These forms were applied in semi-random quantities, positions, and orientations. Each piece was named using random combinations of dictionary words. Some of the names are odd, but that is part of the charm.

This collection is on the Polygon blockchain and is priced in ETH on Polygon. Prices are between 0.002 - 0.008 ETH. To buy you'll first need to convert some ETH to ETH on Polygon (if you haven't already). OpenSea makes that easy. Once you have ETH on Polygon, there are no gas fees.

The first 73 pieces have been minted. Release date to be announced for the rest.

Also check out the sibling generative art collection "Eyes Yonder" on the Ethereum blockchain.

Sep 2021
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