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Shameless Sandwich Snatchers

In the annals of existance, there's a captivating tale about an audacious band of space and time-traveling seagulls, the Sayanora Seagulls. This cheeky flock, famously known as the "Shameless Sandwich Stealers," has created ripples through human history with their amusing mission: snatching sandwiches from notable figures at the most iconic moments. Imagine Benjamin Franklin, post-Declaration signing in 1776, bewildered as his turkey sandwich disappears into thin air, swiped by a seagull. Picture Buzz Aldrin on the moon in 1969, his ham and cheese sandwich mysteriously vanishing, courtesy of another seagull swoop. Recall 2008's global economic crisis meeting, where top economists' club sandwiches were stolen, leaving them chuckling about their experience with these sandwich-loving seagulls. Now, these humorous heists are immortalized in the generative art set "Shameless Sandwich Stealers," forming a vibrant, light-hearted community.

May 2023
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  • Weapon: Freedamn