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Science Fund: Preparing for the pandemic our kids will face

Science Fund is helping researchers prepare for a pandemic our kids will face. This collection features segments of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, and will support student fellowships in data systems to help track pandemic dynamics such as variant evolution.

We are a US non-profit with a goal of doubling funding for basic science. Each donation is traceable (using the donation-id) as it passes through funding pools, research grants, and ultimately linked to scientific progress and publications.

Note we do NOT have tax-exempt status yet (in progress), and no transactions are tax-deductible. 2.5% of donations goes to overhead and operating costs. OpenSea also charges a 2.5% fee for each transaction.

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Dec 2021
에 생성됨
제작자 수익
일시 중지됨
  • Donation-id: 62fae9f9-704f-4872-8cd5-352b478abed6