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Prosocialise Collection 0

First collection of NFTs to foster mutual aid. All the funds from the original sale go directly to the Prosocialise Foundation, as well as 1% royalty from each sale. Our goal is no less to than to change the global paradigm and bring about sustainable abundance. We understand that the solution is to end the dog eat dog rat race the bottom, solve the multi-polar trap and evolve human culture beyond rivarlous dynamics that would eventually lead to mutual destruction from the arms race. We realize that the controversial root cause of this is the need to earn a living to survive that forces people to throw everyone else and the environment under the bus in order to stay ahead of the competition and keep their clients and jobs. In the business world this becomes the embedded growth obligation that inevitably prioritizes profit over people and the environment. The solution is bottom up decentralized fostering of mutual aid and free collaboration networks. It is surprisingly effective.

Nov 2022
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