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Our 2D animations move left and right, because, well, who needs three dimensions anyway? We know you're tired of seeing the same bland, uninspired art, so we've added our own special touch of sarcasm and irony to really make our collection stand out. It's like a breath of fresh air, if you're into that sort of thing. And if you act now, you can be one of the lucky few to own a piece of this masterpiece before we become the next big thing and skyrocket to 1 ETH. Don't be left behind with the plebs who still appreciate traditional art. Join the cool kids who appreciate the true avant-garde of the NFT world. RANK #1-100 will yield a magical made-up drop estimated by GOBLINWORKS to be worth 2+ ETH!

Mar 2023
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  • Eyz on dis side: Lookit dat