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The Open Gallery


I’ve made this project an effort to solve a real problem in the neighborhood that I grew up in. Due to gentrification people have been getting pushed out of their homes & the least we can do is come together to provide food & resources (toothpaste, tooth brushes, blankets (the temperature gets to single digits at night) etc..)

I will be including access to a public spreadsheet to track where your contributions are going, as well as vlogging the process on the days when My team & I are out collecting the resources, setting up the banks & actively giving out food & the resources to our community to post on YouTube!

I plan on using 50% of each 1 ETH raised to provide full meals & basic living supplies for those less fortunate on an ongoing basis.

50% of secondary sales will be used to make this effort consistent

Thanks for helping take action!

(For any questions you can DM me on Twitter)

Aug 2021
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  • No feelings: Art