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Official Breakin Syllabus Group

The Official Breakin Syllabus (OBS) Group is the first organization of its kind for the world of Breakin that acts as an international holdings group and oversight committee united worldwide for the education, preservation and fair assembly to the art, dance and sport of Breakin, also known as Breakdancing.

The OBS group is made up of pioneers and creators to the discipline of Breakin who collectively own intellectual properties that facilitate all the mechanisms necessary to fulfill breakdancing related experiences worldwide. The group specializes with the following services: NGO and Sporting Organization Adjudication, Individual Dancer and Teacher/Coach certification, League, Federation and National Team building accreditation tools, Competition Promotions, Hip Hop Anthological archiving, Career dancer resources, Live stream dance competitions.

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Aug 2021
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