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Memberships - Mirage Gallery

Mirage Gallery Memberships allows for bonus perks related to Mirage Gallery Curated ( and other Mirage Gallery projects.

For MG Curated: these membership tokens will allow all holders to have early access to Curated minting, automatic entry in giveaways, surprise airdrops, and Sentient members will even get to claim 1 free piece from every Curated drop at any point in time!

When looking to buying a Sentient membership, visit the website here: to check how many artworks can currently be claimed with a specific membershipID!

No more memberships will be minted.

The best way to stay up to date is to follow @miragegalleryai on Twitter and join the Mirage Gallery Discord!

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Nov 2021
에 생성됨
제작자 수익
  • Tier: Sentient