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As the great trait lottery of pfps brought forth the Moonbirds, it also left behind a legion of birds whose trait combinations remained lost. Until now. Help rescue these Lostbirds. In exchange the Dead Birds Society, aka DBS, will grant you eternal death in our community, at our parties and through the art and experiences we are building.

"Rescuing" is finding, claiming and minting Lostbirds.

Lostbirds are first come first served. Once rescued, that newfound trait combination cannot be minted again. All Lostbirds are unique. Even more, we ignore beak length in determining uniqueness cuz size doesn’t matter, right? We also ignore things like eyes if they are hidden behind eyewear ⌐◨-◨

Rescuing your very own Lostbird also goes to fighting for biodiversity, a cause that's near and dear to DBS. We believe in leaving a healthier planet for our kids. Literal dead birds are a stark reminder of the loss of biodiversity the planet is experiencing on account of human progress.

Feb 2023
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  • Rescuer: 0xa341c5b993e0dbf832994bbe9306618fe1e53bb1