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What is it about a city, a place so full of life, that can leave us feeling so utterly alone? “Lost Angels” is a series of my early works that manifest the isolating effects of urban life that is often overlooked.

This collection epitomizes what would become my signature cinematic take on street photography. A somber atmosphere subverts the idealistic preconception of a city filled with the glitz and the glamour, leaving a faint ominous feeling captured in the photographs. These lonely souls slither aimlessly throughout the city, broken yet pushing forward.

The works become a mirror. Just as I also roamed these streets, camera in hand, searching for a purpose, a passion, so do the individuals frozen in my photographs. Each subject persevering even after falling victim to the unforgiving nature of Los Angeles.

These are the first 15 images from my collection that will feature a total of 30 1/1 photographs.

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
May 2022
에 생성됨
제작자 수익
  • Collection: Lost angels