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Everything is finite. Every organism, object, era, experience, or memory. It doesn't matter if it's a boring day or a world war conflict. Everything will eventually end. It may be terrifying, humbling, or both at the same time. I find it intriguing to put this concept of impermanence on a smart contract that is "forever".

Everything is fundamentally binary, so I started with that. I transformed the idea into binary code and made artwork from it. Then I uploaded it to IPFS storage. An interesting thing is, that I didn't use it as an actual NFT. You can only see it in the form of an image link. The NFT that you see has a moving "particle" made from the original binary artwork.

I wanted to showcase, that it doesn't matter how significant or insignificant something is. Big or small, nothing is permanent.

If you are having a beautiful time, enjoy it, because it will end one day.

If you are going through a bad time, be strong, because it will end one day.

Jan 2022
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  • Rare: Yes