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i'scapes is a series that explores the dynamics between perspective & reality. It was born out of one of the longest lockdowns in the world & the struggle to find some sort of respite from the endless chaos left by this pandemic.

Uncertainty has always been a part of reality. Yet, nothing could have prepared us for the certainty of uncertainty. With the imposition of lockdowns, spikes in cases, & shortages in vaccines & medicines, it seems like we're still a long way from normalcy.

Perhaps some form of escape can do some good? A moment to pause, a time out...or two, in order to decompress, recharge or simply get away. A change of scenery maybe? How about letting our imagination run free, & letting it bring us to a totally different place?

Even for just a moment, can the ordinary be extraordinary? Perspective can be powerful. Perspective brought me to a different reality. It may not change the circumstances I am in, but it definitely makes me look forward to better days ahead.

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
May 2021
에 생성됨
제작자 수익
  • Tag: Black and white