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Heartfelt Scribbles

A mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it is not open. Heartfelt scribbles express the various emotions I have gone through when I was meditating through my pen and paper. It was sketched when my mind ran a million miles per hour yet the emotions, feelings were not locked down instead they were channelized and vented through the art to tranquilize the feelings.

Collection Type : 1/1 Utility: As I am a zen artist and a teacher, I wanted to gift one hour of one-to-one online art sessions to each collector of this collection.

License: Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries, and essays by holder of the NFT, as long as the creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with the creator.

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Mar 2022
에 생성됨
제작자 수익