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Not your traditional Photography/Art collection

COMMUNITY ACCESS: Each GV token gives you access to join the best NFT community in the space (via curated Twitter DM Groups full of Thought Leaders, Builders, Artists/Photographers, Investors and Beginners). Also.. co-write threads with Riddles.eth

CO-CREATOR MODEL: Each token will let you sell one of YOUR OWN photos (multiple copies) under the GV umbrella, which you will get $ proceeds for, as well as exposure of your own work

Detailed explanation HERE

OUR MISSION: Encourage NFT community to “touch grass,” bond over IRL experiences... AND publish some of the best thought leadership content in the space, for free, as a community

OUR VISION: Become the prominent photography & knowledge sharing platform & marketplace in web3 thru a true ‘co-creator’ model

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Jul 2022
에 생성됨
제작자 수익
일시 중지됨
  • Edition: 2nd