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Genesis3 is an intelligent vibrant 4k NFT Collection from digital artist Pixelfomo. It consits of 500 procedurally generated 4K NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. The collection sets out to portray life's temptations and the associated symbolism of forbidden fruit. Each piece is entirely unique and extensively incorporates a special texture generated from the text of Genesis Chapter 3. 'The Fall of Man' The Texture is created through the conversion of the full text split into sets of three characters generating equivalent RGB pixels. This texture is then utilized throughout the artwork and is reproduced centrally beginning at coordinate (2031,2065) The Artist's signature, title and fomo# is also to be found at coordinate (10,4085) The Collection: 500 items

Commons (350 based on milestones, social and community exhibits) Rare ( 96 items limited edition) Super-rare ( 40 items limited edition) Unique ( 10 single items on auction or sale) Legendary (4 items only)

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Oct 2021
에 생성됨
제작자 수익
일시 중지됨
  • Observe: Ignorance