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About this collection

ERC 721

Everybodys are 10,000 original characters by artist Sean Solomon. Eventually, Everybodys will be animations, physical products, stories and more. In fact, Everybodys are planning to take over the world (in a fun way). These characters will start as static profile pictures, but they are designed with animation in mind. Every animation you see on this page is fully modular, with interchangeable traits. This means holders have the potential to see their characters skate, jump, wave, and maybe even fall in love...

Items minted10,000

Everybodys is the result of a partnership between artist Sean Solomon and co-founder David Schaefer, who have been friends for over a decade through the LA DIY art and music scene. Everybodys is inspired by the DIY ethos, with values of inclusion, community, and creativity. Holders will have first access to everything the team creates, but EVERYBODYS ARE FOR EVERYBODY.

The Artist

Sean Solomon is an artist, animator, and writer. Sean has been refining his iconic visual style for more than a decade, creating work for television, music videos, gallery shows, and more. As an animator, he has worked for clients like Nike, Adidas, HBO, and Adult Swim. You may recognize his work from music videos for artists like Unknown Mortal Orchestra and Run the Jewels, or Fox's "Lucas Bros Moving Co," which he art directed. Sean is currently developing his own pilot for HBO Max. He also runs a successful clothing company called Die 9 Times. If you havenโ€™t heard of Sean Solomon, youโ€™ve probably seen his art shared online, bootlegged, or tattooed to someoneโ€™s arm.

The Collection

Everybodys are cute, simple, unique and diverse. Each PFP is cropped from a full body character created directly in animation software, assembled from over 260 colorful traits. The collection also includes mysterious Nobodys and rare Somebodys. Everybodys is built around a style guide, rather than specific lore, meaning there's no limit to the worlds they can inhabit. Everybodys will go everywhere and do everything.

The Team

Everybodys was co-founded by artist Sean Solomon and project manager David Schaefer, a writer and NFT enthusiast who joined the space in February 2021. David became a fan of Sean's work after attending an art show of Sean's when David was just 13. The two later went on to become friends through the LA music scene. The rest of the team was built similarly, with childhood friends and exciting new ones. The Everybodys team brings a perspective informed by years of experience making art, writing stories, and building communities. Whether in visual art, music, TV, or web 3, Solomon and Schaefer have always valued creative collaboration above all else.

The Style

Everybodys is a distillation of Sean's signature style, representing a lifetime of work in character design across mediums. These characters were inspired by an art installation Sean made in 2015 called "Together Apart," where he plastered the gallery walls with faces much like theseโ€”a PFP collection before PFP collections. Solomon has explored modular character design in his art for over a decade, and this collection is the ultimate expression of that work. These characters are packed with personality and individuality, but there's truly something in them for everybody.