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The Initium: demons of vindicta

My 3rd collection of 1/1 hand drawn demons!

Much is not known of Vindicta before the Legends were made and the Initium transformed the realm. The story keepers do not speak of how or why the Initium came to be. They only speak of what followed…

The magic leaked into the realm and befell upon demons at random. Some could suddenly summon flames. Others felt the breath leave their lungs and felt no relief until stumbling into the water. Yet there were demons that felt no magic and were left stunned.

The realm changed, the affected gathered with those they were familiar with and reforged the borders of the lands. The Unda, Terra, Igna, and Venta demons carved the land amongst their factions to create the Vindicta of now.

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Mar 2022
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  • Type: Venica