DigiDaigaku Dragon Eggs is a collection of 10,000 digital collectables developed by Limit Break, a company founded by world famous game designers Gabriel Leydon and Halbert Nakagawa. The Dragon Eggs are close to hatching - what will be in yours? Learn more about the project at: https://digidaigaku.com, https://twitter.com/gabrielleydon, and https://twitter.com/DigiDaigaku.
DigiDaigaku Dragon Eggs is a collection of 10,000 digital collectables developed by Limit Break, a company founded by world famous game designers Gabriel Leydon and Halbert Nakagawa. The Dragon Eggs are close to hatching - what will be in yours? Learn more about the project at: https://digidaigaku.com, https://twitter.com/gabrielleydon, and https://twitter.com/DigiDaigaku.
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개Feb 2023
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