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DEVBOTS by Deveio | Season 1

DEVBOTS is an exclusive NFT collection developed by Deveio Technologies Ltd.

Each collectible DEVBOT NFT grants access to all the premium content Deveio will have to offer in the future, including VIP access to places within "DEVWORLD" - a sub-metaverse world that is being incorporated into many different platforms such as Horizon Worlds, Decentraland, AltSpace, etc. More details will be revealed in the coming years.

Early purchase of this NFT guarantees the owner will have access to these incredible incentives early on! As time goes on, more incentives will be offered therefore increasing the value of the NFT year after year. The earlier a DEVBOT is purchased, the better cost to value ratio you'll have!

Grab your very own DEVBOT today!

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Jun 2022
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