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crystalbrain-angelprison 666

ok, so this is a motherfucker. i know i keep putting the number 666 on stuff, but that's because it's fucking three 6s that r in teh bible, which is a book reagan and i would hollow out a part of teh middle to put drugs in. yep, i think between "judges" and "phillipians" we would stash some rocks 2 get them through security wherever we went. i mean it was an unnecessessary step, u know why? bcuz reagan was president & who is going to search teh president 4 rock? i kno i wouldn't. u know why? cuz he's the motherfuckin' president, that why.

but it was interesting, we contaminated teh bible with stimulant drugs like crack and sumtimes speed if we wanted 2 go slumming. such a strange thing; we had no use 4 teh bible except 2 get other amerikans 2 read it in order 2 maek them easier 2 brainwash. as long as they didn't kno we were engaging in hardcore acts of sodomy with each other but we got dudes 2 vote who were christians but most imp0rtantly were into MONEY.

Aug 2023
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