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Cacti - Artist - Andrea Kimberley

After a recent visit to Arizona I found my love for cacti. I never knew the desert could be so magnificent. Each cacti had their own presence, like an ancestor and only later did I learn how slowly cacti grow. To see a saguaro cactus with one tiny arm knob means that it has been growing for at least 75 years! The air in the desert is sweet with agave plants and other botanical life. Hummingbirds flutter by, gentle breeze cools my brow, and a silent calm permeates the landscape. Each cacti seem to possess a deep sense of love and don’t-fucking-touch-me vibe all in one breath. Cacti are ridiculously resilient, sweetly serene, and fiercely feral when it is required.

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Nov 2021
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