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C.B.R.D. : Comic #6

This is the sixth issue of a ongoing series of free comics that will be readable by owners of Chef Boi R Doge: Mutts, given away gas free to members on polygon. The remaining comics will be available for sale to the public for 0.1 ETH on opensea. These will be a cover page followed by 1/2 pages. The comic will be inside unlock-able content on a secret website once it is finished & be private to owners of the comic and viewable in high resolution. This is the fourth VIP series for the comic for “Dirty Raver" for being the fourth to hold 10 chef dog mutts!

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Mar 2022
에 생성됨
제작자 수익
  • Vip: Dirty raver