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Bus stop

In a galaxy far, far away from earth, planet GGM-903 of Pinwheel galaxy has finally perfected robotics. As one can imagine, these sentient robots are at the bottom of the pyramid. Their creators, the original inhabitants of GGM-903, a carbon life-form, still hold the top rung of the proverbial ladder.

Leading interesting lives, these robots are also capable of self-repair. After multiple cycles of repair, the robots have a choice to either repair or choose the “Way Of The Cog”.

By choosing “The Way”, robots are taken to a recycle factory & broken down into pieces; these pieces are then used to reassemble new robots. Millions of robots choose “the way” every day. This NFT collection is a snapshot of 9000 bus stops as the robots wait at night, unafraid to #getonthebus that takes them to the recycling plant.

Jan 2022
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