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Bison Resotration Project

Millions of Bison once roamed the US, but they were hunted to the brink of extinction in the 1800s, partly to suppress Indigenous Americans forcing them into reservations. Bison are a key stone species in North America, losing them has led to the desertification of the continent. Bison (& other large packards) bring balance to grasslands allowing them to thrive. The work of Allan Savory outlines this beautifully & empirically, showing how reintroducing buffalo back to desert allows grass lands to return! The InterTribal Buffalo Counsil is a Native organization with the mission to bring back the American buffalo. They aim to allow ecological balance to return & to allow healing ancestral trauma caused by colonization. The purchase of a Bison NFT supports the InterTribal Buffalo Counsil & the mission to restore the American Buffalo population. A'ho

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아이템 총
Feb 2022
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