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365 Days Practicing

365 Days of Practicing is a project, a kind of challenge that Jackson Alves released on his Instagram in 2021 to encourage his students and followers to practice every day to help them improve their calligraphy and lettering skills. So Jack spent the whole year of 2021 producing one piece a day. Some days were only warming up calligraphy exercise, other days a masterpiece, but he created something every single day. You can check out all the 365 pieces of the project on his portfolio or his Instagram using #wholeyearpracticing. This collection are 165 selected pieces from the project divided into three blockchains: 145 pieces on Ethereum, 10 pieces on Tezos and 10 pieces on Solana. Collecting these pieces means not only collecting a piece of art, but also get some extra utilities for some pieces and, more important, it means supporting the work of a calligraphy/lettering artist :) Visit for more details (or just follow the link on the top right of this page).

Feb 2022
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  • Letter: E