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‘Dreamer’ collection replaces the mundane human figures with their passions. Featuring artworks each deeply rooted within the undying passions of caring individuals, the collection aims to pay homage to those who’ve dedicated their existence to what makes them happy. Standing as a symbol of their unapologetic identity, who they are or who they wish to be. Each piece is intended to integrate into the person’s very essence.

Adding to the Dreamer Family regularly! Current Count: 16/100


  1. Feed With Us : A part of every sale would be used to nourish stray animals.
  2. Bring Them Home : Access to full resolution framed physical prints on collecting 2 Super Rare or 3 Rare.
  3. Forge Your Own : Custom-made Dreamer with your personal object of passion on collecting 2 Super Rare or 3 Rare.
  4. Mystery Airdrops : All the holders stand a chance to get a surprise airdrop.

Disclaimer: Some of the 3D elements are licensed & subjected to commercial use

Jan 2022
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제작자 수익
일시 중지됨
  • Passion: Hope