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제작자 TheFoodMaster
제작자 TheFoodMaster

High in the mountains, hidden from the mortal world, there lived a beautiful goddess. She was tall and slender, with long golden hair and piercing blue eyes that shone like the stars. She was a goddess of wisdom and prophecy, and she was known throughout the land for her ability to see into the future. At her side was a white cat, her loyal companion and faithful servant. The cat was small and graceful, with fur as soft as snow and eyes that shone with magic. It was said that the cat had the power to see into the hearts and minds of those around it, and that it could bring good fortune to those who were pure of heart. The goddess and the white cat spent their days in a beautiful temple, surrounded by the stunning beauty of the mountains. They spent their time reading ancient scrolls and studying the stars, seeking to uncover the secrets of the universe. One day, as the goddess gazed into her magic globe, she saw something that filled her with excitement. She saw the future, and it was bright and full of promise. She saw a world where love and hope flourished, and where people lived in harmony with nature. The goddess knew that this future was within reach, if only people could open their hearts and minds to the magic that surrounded them. She shared her vision with the white cat, and together, they set out to bring this bright future to life. As they traveled the land, spreading their message of hope and love, the goddess and the white cat were met with many challenges. But they never gave up, and their determination and perseverance inspired others to join them in their quest. And so, as the new year approached, the goddess and the white cat stood on a mountaintop, gazing out at the world below. They knew that 2023 would be a year of great change and transformation, and they were ready to embrace it with open hearts and minds. Together, they held the magic globe aloft, their love and hope shining brightly as they welcomed in the new year.

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Discover rare digital art and collect NFTs.

Since Apr. 2018.

Art 카테고리
계약 주소0xabb3...045b
토큰 ID27463096
토큰 표준ERC-721
마지막 업데이트1년 전
제작자 수익

The Goddess and the White Cat's Magic Globe

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The Goddess and the White Cat's Magic Globe


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    USD 가격
    하한가와의 차이
제작자 TheFoodMaster
제작자 TheFoodMaster

High in the mountains, hidden from the mortal world, there lived a beautiful goddess. She was tall and slender, with long golden hair and piercing blue eyes that shone like the stars. She was a goddess of wisdom and prophecy, and she was known throughout the land for her ability to see into the future. At her side was a white cat, her loyal companion and faithful servant. The cat was small and graceful, with fur as soft as snow and eyes that shone with magic. It was said that the cat had the power to see into the hearts and minds of those around it, and that it could bring good fortune to those who were pure of heart. The goddess and the white cat spent their days in a beautiful temple, surrounded by the stunning beauty of the mountains. They spent their time reading ancient scrolls and studying the stars, seeking to uncover the secrets of the universe. One day, as the goddess gazed into her magic globe, she saw something that filled her with excitement. She saw the future, and it was bright and full of promise. She saw a world where love and hope flourished, and where people lived in harmony with nature. The goddess knew that this future was within reach, if only people could open their hearts and minds to the magic that surrounded them. She shared her vision with the white cat, and together, they set out to bring this bright future to life. As they traveled the land, spreading their message of hope and love, the goddess and the white cat were met with many challenges. But they never gave up, and their determination and perseverance inspired others to join them in their quest. And so, as the new year approached, the goddess and the white cat stood on a mountaintop, gazing out at the world below. They knew that 2023 would be a year of great change and transformation, and they were ready to embrace it with open hearts and minds. Together, they held the magic globe aloft, their love and hope shining brightly as they welcomed in the new year.

KnownOrigin collection image

Discover rare digital art and collect NFTs.

Since Apr. 2018.

Art 카테고리
계약 주소0xabb3...045b
토큰 ID27463096
토큰 표준ERC-721
마지막 업데이트1년 전
제작자 수익