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Non Anonymous Psychopaths

Over 100 psychopaths time-traveled 400 years into 2023, losing their anonymity. They saw an opportunity to shape a twisted future in the name of freedom. Infiltrating power structures, they manipulated events to favor their desires. Unbeknownst to them, a small group of historians formed a resistance, dedicated to preserving history. Chaos ensued as the psychopaths unleashed their ruthlessness, while historians fought for humanity. In a climactic clash, the psychopaths' lack of empathy led to their downfall. The surviving ones were imprisoned, their dream shattered. History continued on its destined path, ignorant of the darkness averted. The historians silently guarded time, ensuring freedom prevailed. The world remained oblivious, while the psychopaths' arrival faded into obscurity.

Non Anonymous Psychopaths is the first ai generated pfp collection of male & female Psychos.

There will follow more…

Jul 2023
  • Detail: Sadness