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"The Book of the I King is one of the best known Chinese texts in the West, a volume of wisdom that is also, and above all, a reference work in the field of divination. This is the starting point for Mucchiut's idea of operating in an artistic sense within the relevant canonical representations, inserting them into a dual compositional concept: at both an analogue/digital and two-dimensional level. The starting point and convergence of Mucchiut's entire investigation is light, understood as a pure creative material that can be moulded within a complex field of experimentation. The resulting images are the extraordinary fruit of a continuous mutation of the light source between appearance and disappearance, construction and cancellation: through transparencies, filters and reflections light sculpts form into refined and rarefied perceptions, characterised by a particularly effective stylistic minimalism". (taken from the presentation by the curator Barbara Paltenghi Malacrida)

Oct 2021