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Moment and Human

We all do different things in life at the same time. Sometimes there is a moment when we just stand there, sometimes we laugh, sometimes we look around, and sometimes we try to get to work on time. While we are laughing in the corner, someone is looking at the opposite building at the same time. While the pastor begs for help for the church, the children have fun in the park and all these facts happen at the same time. Time is ticking by presenting us all at the same pace but with different things. I present to you different photos from the same moment. 1\1 edition License: Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries and essays by holder of the NFT, as long as creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

Jan 2022
  • Category: Street photography