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Five Elements Destiny

Five Elements Destiny is a collection for lovers of deep meaning. All the details are important in it, like in " Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci. It is based on ancient knowledge that was available only to the Chinese emperors. This is all about Chinese Astrology Bazi or Four Pillars of Destiny. The prediction of destiny is based on your birthday. Now it is also available for you.

The Five Element theory is believed that all matters, as well as the sentient beings in our universe, are composed of the Five Elements: Earth, Fire, Wood, Water and Metal. Taoist masters observed nature and its cycles. They created a complex system of interaction of these energies in nature and deftly beat it with 12 animals and 5 elements. And we have created 288 characters. Each one is unique 1/1.

This collection will bring more balance into your life and change your destiny for the better. Are you ready?

Sep 2021
  • Season: Spring