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500 generative conceptual art works showcasing textual statements about web3 and NFT art in 2021.

DMA is a rejection of the rules of NFT art. It presents nothing new nor innovative. It is not structured to present nicely as a profile picture on twitter. The textual statements on the NFTs manage to be both bland, self aggrandizing, and espouse values that are rejected by the very customer base that the DMA would in theory target itself towards.

Take the time to notice that DMA is self contradictory. The name itself, "Dont Make Art" is violated by the artist in the creation of the work. Similarly "NFT are Scams" and "Only Mint PFP Art" are also statements in violation of the action of the work, which is both an NFT and not profile pictures. Arguably the lack of innovation of the piece does match the statement "Unplug Creativity" but some might take the position that this piece's blatant violation of norms crosses the boundary into creativity itself.

Dec 2021
  • Text: Nfts are scams