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Crypto Punkz With Lunch

Not affiliated with Larva Labs, I'm a punk who once was on the streets trying to help other punks and people on the street.

Crypto Punkz with Lunch is a collection by Empress Trash highlighting the crypto punk form with items handed out by the West Oakland Punks With Lunch ( - a houseless harm reduction and outreach organization to help the underserved communities of Oakland. 10% of sales will be donated to West Oakland PWL.

This collection brings forth the question "What can we do with the intense amount of wealth in crypto and NFTs being exchanged to bridge the disparity between socio-economic classes and tech impoverished communities?"

This collection is a 13 piece limited release made for XoB Cryptovoxels Gallery ( it's a website) with one edition donated to the gallery for the artist in residency program.

Sep 2021