🚨🚨DO NOT Buy/Offer/Bid🚨🚨
This is an older version of CNPJobs. Please do not buy or sell them as they are now worthless NFTs.
You can buy and sell the new version of CNPJobs here. https://magiceden.io/collections/ethereum/0xc4fedaf6f2b6b900f5d5f8b702aa09d9bdbfdc21
🚨🚨DO NOT Buy/Offer/Bid🚨🚨
This is an older version of CNPJobs. Please do not buy or sell them as they are now worthless NFTs.
You can buy and sell the new version of CNPJobs here. https://magiceden.io/collections/ethereum/0xc4fedaf6f2b6b900f5d5f8b702aa09d9bdbfdc21
🚨🚨DO NOT Buy/Offer/Bid🚨🚨
This is an older version of CNPJobs. Please do not buy or sell them as they are now worthless NFTs.
You can buy and sell the new version of CNPJobs here. https://magiceden.io/collections/ethereum/0xc4fedaf6f2b6b900f5d5f8b702aa09d9bdbfdc21
· 11.1K
· Jul 2022
· 0%