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Bugatti, bodies, tracks and grays

When talking about Bugatti, the first thing that comes to mind is the excellent car designed but also created and assembled here, in the Campogalliano factory, commissioned and built by Romano Artioli 30 years ago.

This site-specific work, bodies, traces, and grays arises mainly for two reasons: the first is the desire to take a journey into the bowels of the disused factory, to see and touch the wounds, the "traces" that time has left on the "body" and what effects these have caused on the factory. The second reason is to find a meeting point, a contact, an internal dialogue between the memory of this place and my presence inside.

Physical traces become images of the past. The collective memory of those who created and participated in factory life.

Thanks to the seriality of the photos, the square shape, and the use of black and white help to focus on the details of this place. Where the human presence is a faded memory, despite the abandonment and the constant work of time, this c

Jun 2022
  • Technique: Digital black and white photo