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Alphanumerics ANFTs

Take ownership of your favorite number or letter.

Not all NFTs are connected to material or digital objects. Some represent ideas or concepts and the otherwise intangible. These are known as ANFTs or Abstract Non-Fungible Tokens. They cannot be contained in an image, video, or sound. Some ANFTs have a known meaning or purpose associated with them, others are open-ended and limitless, as is any piece of art. Have you ever wondered how one might own the idea of the color red? Or the idea of infinity? Now you can, thanks to ANFTs.

Check out this collection for ideas, and if you have an idea for an ANFT that you don't find in this collection message us and we'll see what we can do to create one.

ab·​stract 1: disassociated from any specific instance 2: expressing a quality apart from an object 3: impersonal, detached 4: having only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at pictorial representation or narrative content

Request an ANFT:

Aug 2021
  • Nft: Abstract