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We are all connected. Here's a bit about my spiritual journey. There are not enough words to describe the multitude of details. My family lineage settled in North America before 1776 on my father's side and 1903 on my mother's side. I was born Christian. I went to Hebrew school as a kid. At 19 I trained as a Buddhist monk in monasteries in the mountains and the desert. The deep philosophy & meditation guided me to Rome Italy. I found Jesus in Saint Peter’s Basilica. I read the entire 1196 pages of the Holy Bible 3 times over the course of 11 years. I continue to pray before every single meal for over 2 decades now. We all have our similar & own unique experiences in life. This is an eclectic collection. I am sharing my heart with prayers, poems, quotes & symbols. As they come to me I will manifest them into NFT's. Peace be with you.

Mar 2022