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YCLUB NFT Collection Official

YCLUB introduces its collection of 7,000 NFTs, “The Lana Collection,” depicting the world-famous Lana Superyacht, designed and built by the Benetti Shipbuilding Company. The attention to detail in this collection is an homage to the superior artistry and craftsmanship of the Lana Superyacht itself.

YCLUB NFTs grant the holder membership in the YCLUB Superyacht Community. Membership confers full access to the YCLUB M Membership:

Access to the YCLUB ecosystem can come exclusively through holding YCLUB digital assets. These assets include dNFTs, pNFTs, and the native token $SYC. Current NFT Collection:

“Lana Super Yacht Collection” (Currently Minting )

The Lana Super Yacht Collection is the first collection in the YCLUB portfolio consisting of 7,000 NFTs designed after the breathtaking 107m Benetti Super Yacht “Lana”.

By acquiring a YCLUB dNFT you can enjoy exclusive benefits, access to events, amenities, and programs in the super yacht industry and around the world starting today!

Créé le
Aug 2022
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Location: Seychelles