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Whirling Dervishes

Whirling dervishes, were specially made for the Lambend brand by SurKreatif. Each one is unique. There will be 101 of these NFTs, which will showcase the harmony of Islamic art and rituals. This NFT collection is gathered under 4 main headings.

  1. Harmony of Colors: Symbolizes harmony and perfection in traditional Mevlevi rituals. It gathers individuals from every generation and every society and calls it the harmony of colors.

  2. Unity of Existence: Symbolizes the transition from existence to absence, disintegration, extinction, loss of self and reaching god, which is possessed by traditional Mevlevi rituals. Unity of existence.

  3. Spiritual Emptiness: Symbolizes the purity, jul-heartedness, goodness, new beginnings and inner true emptiness that traditional Mevlevi rituals have. The spiritual emptiness inside us.

  4. Get rid of yourself: Whirling Dervishes symbolizes the flow in traditional Mevlevi rituals, drifting away, giving oneself to God, getting rid of oneself.

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Créé le
Oct 2021
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