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A Web3 Domain is a decentralized domain name that is stored on the blockchain. It can be used to associate a human-readable name with a wallet address or other information, such as a website or social media handle.

Web3 Domains can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

Verifying the authenticity of a user's profile on a social media platform or messaging app Associating a domain name with a cryptocurrency wallet address Storing information about a user or organization on the blockchain in a decentralized manner Creating a unique and memorable address for a website or other online presence Reducing the risk of phishing attacks by providing a way to verify the authenticity of a website or online account Web3 Domains are stored on a decentralized server and can only be modified or transferred by the owner of the associated wallet. This makes them resistant to tampering or censorship, and allows users to have greater control over their online identity and presence.

Créé le
Dec 2022
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